الأربعاء, 2025-01-22, 4:06 AM


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بسم الله الررحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على أطيب المرسلين سيدنا محمد أنتظر بذكر واستغفار الله
مع تحيات محمد فداء

2025-01-22 4:06 AM
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أحلى ألعاب السيارات 2014

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قيم موقعي

مجموع الردود: 9


المتواجدون الآن: 1
زوار: 1
مستخدمين: 0

الرئيسية » موقع العاب » ذات استخدام متعدد


Nemexia is a web-based online space strategy. Can you imagine Star Craft in your browser? That is exactly what Nemexia is! Each player starts with one planet and a small amount of resources. Then you develop your first economic empire and militarily. Possession of multiple planets gives the player a chance to be much stronger and there are wider horizons for both player's friends and enemies.In Nemexia you can choose between three races - Confederation, Terteths and Nox. Each of them has a specific military units: well-trained soldiers, and perfectly armed ships. You can construct various economic and military buildings, as well as many space ships and defenses, to colonize planets, to join large unions and to win the Team main goal. In Nemexia you face thousands of other players from all over the world.
الترتيب: 0.0/0
عدادات: 1332/960
مجموع التعليقات: 1
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